Tag: Organic kombucha
Where To Buy Organic Kombucha In Australia

Pep Tea is an Australian kombucha brand which offers where to buy organic kombucha in Australia. The brand offers Australian organic Kombucha and organic Japanese Matcha tea powder. All our Kombucha drinks are raw and organic they are loaded with real Kombucha antioxidants and taste great.
The Lime and Ginger Kombucha drink of Pep Tea brand are completely free from Caffeine, Lactose and fat. These drinks are brewed and bottled in the Hunter Valley of NSW. The Buy Lime and Ginger Kombucha drink is a superfood drink which contains active enzymes. They are low in calorie, contain low carbohydrates and are vegan-friendly.
Order a complete box of 12 Lime and Ginger Kombucha drink or a mixed pack which has 4 flavors mixed in it from our wholesale food suppliers Opera Foods.
A Kombucha Drink a Day keeps Stress Way

Kombucha is loaded with probiotics which are essential for our body. Drinking Kombucha helps us in managing diabetes, protecting the liver and in maintaining a good healthy heart rate. Peptea has found a way to retain the goodness of Kombucha by adding flavors of natural organic fruit and vegetable flavorings. Kombucha was first used over 2240 years ago but over the ages, it became known as the “Miracle Elixir of health” because of its amazing health benefits.
Our Peptea brand Kombucha is grown in clean bacteria controlled room with a tested Kombucha scoby. Our Pep Tea brand Kombucha is fermented with beneficial yeast that helps re-populates the gut. The standout feature of our brand is we use the right bacteria in the correct scientific balance, all our Kombucha drinks are expertly tested before it is sold in the market or our store. Kombucha contains Vitamin B12 which is very vital for the body to remain in a good mental state. A Kombucha drink relives your body from the stress and pressure of your everyday hectic life.
Pep Tea is a famous Kombucha brands and a registered brand label of Opera Foods.
Be relieved of your stress and boost your mental health with a fruity Kombucha drink from Pep Tea.
Kombucha A Natural and Organic Health Drink

Kombucha is a health drink which is made from the natural fermentation of Green tea. Pep Tea brand organic kombucha drinks are loaded with real and organic green tea powder, fermented and brewed. These kombucha drinks are of the highest quality and purely made in Australia. They are very rich in amino acids, vitamin B and antioxidants. Some of the Kombucha health benefits are they are low in calories, fat-free, Lactose-free and Vegan-friendly.
There are four different flavors of Kombucha available in our online store. The Flavors are Mango, Ginger, Lime & Ginger, and Apple & Pomegranate. If you are drinking kombucha for its health benefits you should have the PepTea labeled kombucha drinks which are consistently good with no side effects and zero sugar.
You can order Organic Kombucha Tea of 350ml sugar-free drinks which contains a mixed box of 12 drinks of Mango, Ginger, Lime & Ginger and Apple & Pomegranate. Buy Kombucha In Bulk Online Direct, Organic, Sugar Free and in 4 great flavours
You can also buy all 4 Kombucha flavours from Pep Tea at Harris Farm Markets
Harris Farm Markets New Cook Hill Store Newcastle

Harris Farm Markets have moved their Newcastle store from Glendale to a huge new multi faceted market place in Darby St, Cooke Hill, an inner Newcastle NSW suburb.
The new complex is a breath of fresh air and includes a cafe and florist/nursery, plus a fish market, a butchery, a bakery, a milk bar, extensive deli shelves with a massive cheese selection and wonderful decor though out the old warehouse conversion.
Please read the full review at Opera Foods Gourmet and Organic news food blog. Through Our parent company Opera Foods, we are a long term supplier to Harris Farm Markets and proud to be associated. We are also glad to see the extent to which Harris Farm Markets deliberately support other local producers and grocery manufacturers instead of oppressing them like the major supermarkets do. If you dont have a Harris Farm Markets store near you you can buy kombucha in bulk online as well as other Opera brands stocked by them.
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Pep Tea Kombucha now at Harris Farm Markets

Following their research of the Kombucha brands, Harris Farm completed A blind taste test of the finalists and chose Pep Tea brand hands down.
Pep Tea’s 4 flavours are known for their tasty refreshing flavour and for their real raw kombucha quality control and authentic real (brewed and fermented) probiotics following Pep Tea being featured on ABC’ Landline recently
Pep Tea have also targeted value for money using larger size 350ml individual serve bottles and recycle-able PET bottles that both get the price per serve down to a level that thrashes their competitors. Having the best quality and best tasting product of course helps them get the volume up and price down.
Harris Farm Market not only sell Pep Tea’s 4 organic kombucha flavours by the bottle but they also offer a budget cost 12 pack for families to take home a bulk buy.
Apple Pomegranate Organic Kombucha a Perfect Cocktail Mixer

Apple & Pomegranate flavour is an organic kombucha from Australia’s Pep Tea Brand.
As featured on ABC’s Landline recently Pep Tea organic kombucha is brewed in the Hunter Valley NSW.
Apple Pomegranate makes a delicious cocktail on its own with a little fresh fruit, but is also a perfect mixer for many types of cocktails.
Buy Pep Tea brand organic kombucha direct from Australian fine food Wholesalers Opera Foods.
“Put some Pep in your step”
#peptea #kombucha #organickombucha #applepomegranate #pomegranate #apple #cocktails #cocktail #kombuchacocktails #operafoods